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Department of Geology and Geoenvironment


Dr Emmanuel Vassilakis is the Director of the Remote Sensing Laboratory and the Head of the Geography and Climatology Section of the NKUA Dpt of Geology and Geoenvironment. He is an expert in Remote Sensing and GIS, with emphasis in optical satellite image processing especially in high resolution data interpretation, as well as in close range remote sensing methods (UAS and TLS) used in geomorphology and natural hazards.

Tel: +30 2107274400


Aliki Konsolaki is currently a PhD Student at the Departure of Geology and Geoenvironment of the NKUA. Her thesis concerns “Automated techniques for 3D modeling morpho-structures with very high resolution remote sensing data”. More specifically, her topic is to process  (i) very high-resolution remote sensing data (ii) point cloud data retrieved from laser scanner (LiDAR) equipment (iii) data from unarmed aerial system (UAS – drones) (iv) geophysics as well as a combination of the above, for modelling and analysing morpho-structures that have been created on the earth’s surface and/or at a shallow depth and affect the relief mostly through exogenous processes. During the last 3 years, she has participated in 5 European and National Research Programs as research associate and has co-authored 5 scientific papers in journals of the SCI and 16 referred papers in proceedings of International Conferences. Her main research topics include  geomorphology, karstology, speleology and remote sensing and she is a Full Member of the Hellenic Speleological Society since 2013. 

Tel: +30 210 7274322


Panagiota Asimakoulou is a PhD Candidate and she is working on the "Pedagogical approaches for understanding Climate Change and the accompanying phenomena through remote sensing, in compulsory education".
She holds a BSc in Primary Education and an MSc in Information Systems.

Tel: +30 210 7274806